Wednesday, 30 March 2011

''I am Sam''

The movie '' I am Sam''
is a family that the mother left her baby at birth and her husband moron .. When the child grew and was eight years old had the same mentality as his padre.A his friends said that it was adopted because she was embarrassed. In one day thecity council because they said I picked the girl who the biological father had the same mentality and that she could not care. The girlgave it up for adoption. When adopted and all, the family movedalmost next to the house of her biological father. The girl ran awayevery night he slept with his father and in the morning was returningpa adoptive parents' house until they finally gave the girl's fatherand lived happily ever after.


La pelicula'' i am sam '' trata de que una familia que la madre abandona su bebe al nacimiento y su marido retrasado mental.. Cuando la niña crecio y tenia ocho años tenia la misma mentalidad que su padre.A sus amigos les decian que era adoptada porque le daba verguenza. En un dia el ayuntamiento cojio la niña porque decian que el padre biologico tenia la misma mentalidad que ella y que no la podia cuidar . A la niña la dieron en adopcion. Cuando la adoptaron y todo, la familia se mudo casi al lado de la casa de su padre biologico. La niña se escapaba cada noche dormia con su padre y por la mañana volvia pa casa de los padres adoptivos hasta que al final le dieron la niña al padre y vivieron felices para siempre.

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